A part of me.

If you would not be forgotten as soon as you’re gone, dead and rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin

Friday, October 15, 2010

Main Ingredient - Summer Breeze

That has got to be the Jam.....

.... writer's block.

Everyone has writers block sometimes. Brainstorming is one of the most essential ways to get over writers block. It helps you get back to a specific topic you were going to write about or are currently engrossed in.

Remember procrastination is the devil. Do talk about it be about it. Just do it.

Monday, October 11, 2010


This is a Cover I did of Taxi by Mos Def
produced by SkiBeatz.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


At work editing a Happy Holidays Bumper

the work station is kool... but sometimes i need to be outside...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Calvin Harris - Flashback


Daft Punk helmets for sale = $65,000

The Daily Swarm - Daft Punk helmets for sale = $65,000

These helmets were commissioned by the punk band Daft Punk for a music video. Over the years, LED Effects has received many inquiries from people who wanted to purchase their own helmet. Unfortunately, these helmets are custom designed stage props and cost over $14,000. While the helmets are reasonably simple in design, the cost of labor and materials make it impractical to mass produce and market them.

In addition, Daft Punk owns the copyright and concept rights to the helmets, so there may be additional licensing fees to pay. In short, yes, we can build you a helmet, but it will cost you thousands of dollars and take a year to produce. Here is how the helmets were made: 

1. A model shop cast the face of the musician. This was used to create a bust which was
used as a template for the design.
2. The next step was to modify a motorcycle helmet. The body was cut away to allow for
cables and electronics. Two pin holes were provided so the wearer could see out.
3. Clay models were created for all the unique parts. This included a back pack and an arm
band controller.
4. Electronic displays were designed using prototype PC board materials.
5. The LED display panels were assembled by placing each LED one-by-one into a plastic
sheet and glued into place. Each LED required three feet of wiring to connect it to power
and control circuitry. The finished panel was bolted to the helmet frame.
6. The LED cabling was routed around the “ears” of the helmet and out the back. The
helmet cables led down to the backpack where the main controller board was located.
7. The system was originally powered by batteries, but this was later switched over to a
power cord system.
8. The control keypad on the armband was a custom manufactured PC board.
9. Exterior plastic molding and finishing materials were custom manufactured by a special
effects studio to complete the helmet. Once these pieces were added, the helmet details
were touched up with paint.
The helmets were used to produce a music video. As far as we are aware, the units are
still in use for performances.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sir Michael Rocks - S.S.

Directed By: Ken Koller
Camera Op: Mike Carson

Fall is already here and Winter's right around the corner. What's the solution you ask? Watch this video, no matter the season, and zone out to long summer days as we follow Sir Michael Rocks and Latif around various landscapes and locations. Not quite and homage to 'Summertime', but who's really keeping track? Stay tuned as more material and visuals are on the way.


If you have an iPad this is like your personal magazine generated from blogs… Definitely a game changer in the way you process information and find out about news, music, events, trends, fashion, design, etc. This is not your average application. ENJOY!

Nodody Every Really Dies.

If I were to get signed i would want to sign a recording contract with Nobody Ever Really Dies.
I believe they would provide an extremely wide forum for me to build a solid fan base.

I believe that as an artist they would allow me to creatively express myself and they won't sensor me as an artist and as a Human Being.

ohh.. you know them as N.E.R.D.

Shay, Left, Chad Hugo, Center, Pharrell Williams, Right

House Bloopers

I appreciate this so much....
I love Bloopers but House, takes the Cake.

How To Destroy Angels: The Space in Between.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Apartment ....in Japan

Apartment Architecture.

Understand the floor plans first.
now look at the dopeness.

street view.


dining room.

bedroom / living room.


The Minimalist House in Itoman-shi, Okinawa, Japan, was designed by Shinichi Ogawa & Associates / Urbanist Architect. Just have a look a the floor plan and you’ll understand why it’s called the minimalist house.